Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fantasy Kingdoms - Valentines Assets

A few of the assets I worked on for the Valentine's Day Release for Fantasy Kingdoms.  I'd been wanting to do some floating island images, so this was the perfect opportunity.  Alicia and I worked closely to match the floating island look between the different assets we were creating.  The little creature dolls were fun to create.  These dolls are show larger than the in-game assets.

Some background on the gremlin:  We have a gremlin creature in-game.  His original head was based on the Art Gremlin sign that I created in the event that an asset was missing.   I worked with our outsource 3D artists to pin down the final look for the 3D creature.  For Valentine's Day, it seemed like a fun item to make some little male and female dolls of the gremlin - some creatures that were so ugly that they were cute.

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