Saturday, August 20, 2011

FK Creature Concepts

We use a few different animators in Fantasy Kingdoms.  One of the animators, I make front concepts for the creatures for him to generate the assets.  Here's some of the concepts:

This guy was inspired a bit by Rex in the BBC show Primevil.

FK - Map Background Images

Here's some larger versions of the map background corners for Fantasy Kingdoms.  They were made to feel a part of the map parchment and not be too distracting, so they don't have the vibrant colors of the in-game map assets. 

The in-game versions are much smaller and are programmed to float above a repeatable parchment texture, so that it can fit to any-sized monitor.  They basically sit behind the playfield and then move out to the corners when a player goes to fullscreen.

Top Left Corner

Bottom Right Corner

Bottom Left Corner